Glimmers of Glory: Holding the Light
Those who mourn...will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, to display God’s glory. -- Isaiah 61:3You're welcome to join us via the YouTube livestream beginning, Thursday, May 2 at 2:30 pm MT and running through the weekend.
At the 2024 Chinook Winds Regional Gathering we heard multiple, diverse voices speak of where they are seeing glimmers of God’s glory and how they are building the hopeful resilience and daily courage needed to hold the light. The theme was explored through plenary sessions, a panel discussion, workshops, spiritual practices, and of course, plenty of music. Special guests include musician Linnea Good and General Council Executive Minister Jennifer Henry.
Financial Presentation: A financial update was held online on Tuesday, April 22, 2024. Recording HERE
Photos from the 2024 Regional Gathering are highlighted. Click on a photo for a larger format and to scroll through the gallery

Meeting Materials & Resources
Meeting & Sunday’s Celebration of Ministry Worship Live-Streaming
You’ll find the live-streaming of the Regional Gathering during the meeting on the Chinook Winds YouTube Channel.
On Sunday morning, congregations and individuals throughout Central and Southern Alberta are invited to join in worship with us through the live-streaming at 10:30 am. We have a good tech team on board and congregations will have a cell number that they could call or text if they are experience technical issues.
Theological Reflection & Music

Jennifer Henry
Theological Reflection
Linnea Good
MusicChildren & Youth

Glimmers of Glory Children's Program
Youth Program