Community of Faith Strategy Working Group
To the fullest degree possible, the Community of Faith Strategy Working Group will explicitly make decisions or authorise programs that fit within the Region’s Purpose Statement
The Regional Council is responsible for encouraging and engaging in:
- Joining our collective hearts, voices, and resources to witness the gospel and vision of Jesus for a compassionate and just society, both in Canada and around the world;
- Local, regional, national, and global initiatives and partnerships (community, ecumenical, and interfaith) for ministry, mission, and justice work;
- Ministry with children, youth, and young adults
Honouring and living into intercultural mission and ministry; - Living in covenant with Mother Earth and All My Relations in the Earth community.
Working Group and Community of Faith Tools, Processes, and Resources have been designed that progress the Purpose.
- To establish Regional policies and practices offering strategic support, collaboration, and mission planning resources for Communities of Faith;
- Recommend high-level Mission Policies to the Regional Council Executive;
- Establish Regional policy and practices as they relate to Communities of Faith relationships, property, and assets;
- Receive and administer program funding proposals accessing Chinook Winds Region funds.
Program Funding Proposal
The Community of Faith Strategy Working Group can make all decisions and take all actions related to its Purpose and as specifically noted in Tasks below with the final recommendation of the Community of Faith Support / Strategy person and / or Executive Minister.
Accountability & Reporting
The Working Group will work with the Community of Faith Support/ Strategy Consultant, accountable to the Executive Minister.