Chinook Winds Regional Council
Encouraging and connecting communities of faith of The United Church of Canada in Central and Southern Alberta. Chinook Winds Region extends from south of Highway 13 in Alberta to the Canada-United States border.
The Regional Council is responsible for encouraging and engaging in:
- joining our collective hearts, voices, and resources to witness to the gospel and vision of Jesus for a compassionate and just society, both in Canada and around the world;
- local, regional, national, and global initiatives and partnerships (community, ecumenical, and interfaith) for ministry, mission, and justice work;
- ministry with children, youth, and young adults;
- honouring and living into intercultural mission and ministry;
- living in covenant with Mother Earth and All My Relations in the Earth community

Roles and Responsibilities
A Regional Council is an administrative grouping of communities of faith in a local area. Laypeople and ministers meet to oversee the work of the church within each region. The regional council is responsible for appointing an executive to do the continuing work of the regional council between regular meetings. (The Manual C.3.1.1)
For a full description of the polity of regional councils see The United Church of Canada Manual (pages 37-39).
The Regional Council is responsible for:
- celebrating the approval of applicants for candidacy;
- ordaining and commissioning members of the order of ministry;
- recognizing designated lay ministers;
- celebrating admissions and re-admissions. (The Manual C.2.7)
The Regional Council consists of members of the order of ministry, other ministry personnel, lay members of the United Church, and leaders of associate member ministries, all as set out in sections. (The Manual C.1.1 to C.1.3)
The Region has power/authority to add members to the Regional Council.
Regional Meetings
The Regional Council meets annually.
The Executive can make recommendations to the Regional Council regarding regional meetings frequency. (The Manual C.4.1) Chinook Winds Region, The United Church of Canada