Related Ministries

Policy Goals are established to progress the Purpose
Policy Limits are defined that help preserve and defend the Purpose
Working Group and Community of Faith Tools, Processes, and Resources have been designed that progress the Purpose

Affirming Connections was created to strengthen and amplify the affirming voice and actions of fully inclusive faith and spiritual communities. Together, we will proactively reach out and work alongside allies and individuals in the LGTBQ2S+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Two Spirit) community. We value activism, affirmation, and advocacy. 

Check out our latest projects here!

Affirming Connections

Affirming Connections was created to strengthen and amplify the affirming voice and actions of fully inclusive faith and spiritual communities. Together, we will proactively reach out and work alongside allies and individuals in the LGTBQ2S+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Two Spirit) community. We value activism, affirmation, and advocacy. 

Check out our latest projects here!

Fish Creek Shared Ministries
Collaboration and partnerships are central pillars to the work of Fish Creek Shared Ministries. Since 2013, well-planned, collaborative initiatives have resulted in great resources, strong support and good participation in our ministry programs. We are connecting with faith communities and social service agencies in Calgary to grow ministry and outreach for families, children, teenagers, young adults, seniors and others.
Based out of Calgary's three largest post-secondary institutions, Campus United is a safer space for any and all young adults. They are focused on journeying together in the Way of Jesus and living into the values of community, formation, social justice, and spirituality. They are an 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusive ministry focused on journeying.
Campus United

Based out of Calgary's three largest post-secondary institutions, YYC Campus Ministry is a safe space for any and all young adults.  They are a pluralistic community, focused on spirituality and multi-faith programming that advocates the inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in all aspects of life and spirituality.