Found by Light Amidst a Weary World

A Christmas Message from Treena Duncan

As is often the case, this Advent season, as we light the candles each week, I find myself reflecting on the past year. It has been a mixture of joy and sadness, and I resonate deeply with the words from my favourite Christmas hymn, O Holy Night“A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices.” 

This year, it feels as though the world itself is weary. We face troubling times—polarizing politics, a challenging economy, and the continued work of finding a way for the church to change, to remain relevant and faithful. We also grieve the loss of our beloved colleague and friend, Rev. Brenda Fawkes, along with other loved ones who have shaped our lives. 

Advent finds us tired, and longing for something deeper. Annie B. Jones captures this so well when she writes: “I (almost) always come limping into Advent, desperate for light, but almost too tired to look for it. Then I remember: The Light came looking for me, and that’s the whole point.”

These words echo the very heart of Advent and Christmas: a God who comes to us. As John’s Gospel reminds us: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:5). 

We don’t need to be ready, prepared, or even particularly hopeful. The Light—the Christ child—comes into a weary world, seeking us exactly as we are. In Jesus, Emmanuel—God with us—we find hope that does not fade, peace that surpasses our understanding, joy that does not depend on circumstances, and love that transforms us. In our struggles, in our busyness, in our doubts, God’s presence still shines.

This year, I invite you to pause and take comfort in that promise: the Light comes to you. Advent is not about striving to find God but about opening ourselves to the God who seeks us out. Whether in moments of silence, in the beauty of song, or through simple acts of kindness, the Light is already here.

Treena Duncan, Executive Minister, Chinook Winds and Pacific Mountain Regions, The United Church of Canada