March 2023 Regional Town Hall on Camps: Recording

To highlight Chinook Winds Region’s important camping ministries, First Third Ministry Ministry and the four United Church Camps collaborated on a series of seven videos, two of which premiered at the March 22, 2023 Town Hall. The videos are part of the Camping Sunday 2023 Worship Resource.

     Representatives of Canyon Church, Kasota West, Kasota East and Bar Harbour were present to talk about summer plans.

• If you missed the Town Hall, please see above. (Pictured is Canyon Camp Chair Christina Whittmire who spoke about that camp’s rebuilding plans).

• You’re encouraged to make use of the Camping Sunday Worship Resources which includes three worship videos as well as videos that highlight each of the four camps. Camping Sunday is April 23, 2023.  You can access and download the Camping Resources HERE

Camps in Central and Southern Alberta