We welcomed Dr Rob Fennell to speak on Spirituality in Everyday Life for our January 23, 2023, Regional Town Hall. Check out the recording above! Hosted by Presider Joanne Anquist. We also had a few announcements on happenings in Chinook Winds Region.
Rob is the Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at the Atlantic School of Theology (AST) in Halifax.
As Rob describes, spirituality is the green, growing, foundational space in our lives that brings us closer to God and the world God loves. But we’re not in Sunday School or youth group anymore. Our parents don’t guide our spiritual lives. We’re not monastics or go on retreats very often. How can we develop and explore our spirituality as adults, within our ordinary lives? What practices, attitudes, and resources can we find and cultivate? This interactive session will explore these and related questions. Bring your ideas and questions, and an open heart.
Rob Fennell is an ordained minister of The United Church of Canada and served in congregations for a decade prior to teaching at AST. He is passionate about thriving local congregations and helping their leaders to increase in effectiveness and to grow in faithfulness. He is the Founding Director of Camino Nova Scotia. His most recent books include 31 Short Spiritual Practices: Getting (re)started in a daily spirituality of gratitude and contentment and Following Jesus Today (editor). His new book, Camino Close to Home, will be out in spring 2023 from Novalis Press. Rob enjoys movies, canoeing, hiking, and chopping wood. Read more on Rob HERE