By Rev. MiYeon Kim, Fort Macleod-Granum (AB) Pastoral Charge

Do you know about the children’s worship dance videos created for The United Church of Canada? They are completely free and include several pieces of music from Voices United and More Voices.
We at UnitedWeDance-UCCan, now have seven videos for the children in your congregation to enjoy.
Please check out our YouTube Channel
How UnitedWeDance started
When I came to Canada in 2017 to serve the United Church, I had a hope that we would have children’s worship music videos that Canadian children can watch and follow to sing and dance as they praise God. My previous denomination, Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea(PROK) offers children’s worship dance videos on its website for Sunday School leaders to easily use for children’s ministry. In Korea, I served as a Christian educator for children and youth at several churches. I utilized the children’s worship dance videos offered by PROK for my ministries such as Sunday school and Vacation Bible Schools (VBS).
So, I initiated a new project group in January 2019 to make children worship dance videos to share with all those who have a wish that our children are connected with God in music.
Thankfully, I found four enthusiastic people and we became a great team: Sandra Beardsall, St. Andrew’s College, Saskatoon; YuJene Oh, Trinity United, Thorold, Ontario and Esther Crews, Brooks (AB) United.
Please use and enjoy these videos in your ministry. You can use these videos for your In-person and virtual worship services, Sunday School, and VBS. Sometimes, people ask if these videos are only for kids. These videos are available for all children of God, no matter young or old.
Regarding the copyright, we have created these videos with permission from the creator or in the public domain. Many thanks to Bruce Harding and Linnea Good who gave us permission to create the dance videos with their music. I know many of you have the One License for your online worship, so please report your use there as you use the video of “Cradle Me” in your children’s ministry.
We are grateful for the assistance of the Jean Moore Endowment Fund of the United Church Foundation in making this project possible.
After joining the United Church of Canada, I was motivated to try to make the Children’s worship dance videos for the United Church of Canada.