Update on September 15, 2021: Please note that the Alberta Provincial Government has announced specific restrictions for Places of Worship. You’ll find these restrictions HERE. The Guidelines below remain relevant for planning COVID19 Aware Ministry programing.
From Executive Minister Treena Duncan: “The standards provided by the province are minimum standards, and it is important to acknowledge that we as United Church people can ask for a higher standard in our communities of faith and ministries, in response to our duty of care of our people.
We remember that children are not yet vaccinated, elders and immune-compromised people continue to be hit hard by COVID-19 and variants. We do hope and pray for all people who can, to chose to be vaccinated. I invite church leaders to continue the faithful work of discerning what are the best maximum practices for your community of faith setting.”
For your reference, Chinook Winds Region has compiled a PDF Suggested Guidelines for Offering COVID-19 Aware In-Person Worship and Ministry Programming – Fall 2021.– revised September 3, 2021. Please feel free to download this document and use it as a discussion document or guide in conversations with congregational boards, etc.
In addition, congregational leaders requested guidelines for children and youth ministry. First Third Ministry staff have put together comprehensive guidelines. You can access a helpful summary letter from Chinook Winds First Third Animator Chris Mah Poy and those First Third Guidelines HERE
Effective September 4, 2021, the Alberta Provincial Government requires masking in all indoor spaces. While Places of Worship are exempt from this requirement, Chinook Winds Region guidelines still recommend that masks be worn for in-person worship and ministry activities.
As always, please feel free to contact Chinook Winds staff for further conversations or questions.
Blessings, Treena Duncan, Executive Minister