Mother Earth Day 2021

Individuals and communities came together in a Gathering of Prayers for International Mother Earth Day on April 22, 2021. The recording of the service will be available shortly.

Earth Psalm: A Prayer for Mother Earth

By Tony Snow, Indigenous Minister, Chinook Winds Region

Tony Snow

Aktu î wabi waû sigine wakâ

Makoche – Mother Earth

Mother of life, With blessing you shine, Keeper of all Creation,

Keeper of all knowledge

Connector of wisdom traditions across the four directions,

Across time, across distance, across species and matter

You help us to know that we each have part of this story to tell

And when we share your wisdom, the world flourishes.

For we humans, we know your body nourishes us, 

And without your gifts, there is no existence.

The plants, the fruits, the medicines all connect us to sacred healing and renewal. We are given renewed life.

Upon your lands and waters live the other life forms of animal, bird and fish. With each of these we share an understanding about the world.

From the greatest mountain to the smallest insect you bring us together to reveal the great mysteries of our world.

This interconnection gives us wholeness,

The energy of all tells us the mystery of life.

In gratitude and honour, we humbly give thanks. Ishnyes.

Background to Mother Earth Day: International Mother Earth Day was established in 2009 by the United Nations General Assembly to promote and reflect upon the interdependence that exists among human beings, other living species and the planet we all inhabit.

With the rise of climate impacts, we see the need to balance our interests and our way of life with the Creation all around us. The global pandemic, the rising climate emergency and the threats to biodiversity all focus our attention on our relationship to the earth.

For more information, email Tony Snow, Coordinator for Indigenous Relations, Chinook Winds Region