By Christina Whittmire

The Canyon Church Camp board has been working with Parks Canada and meeting regularly to plan the rebuild of camp following the 2017 Kenow Fire in Waterton National Park. We are in the process of composing a capital plan report which Parks Canada will use in their decision to renew our license of occupation. They have given us every indication that it will be renewed but first, we must jump through a few hoops.
We were notified by Parks Canada this fall that our septic field is no longer usable as the current site is too close to the river and no longer meets environmental regulations. We are looking into an environmentally friendly alternative, which of course comes with a big price tag. We currently have quotes for two different systems. Any new system that we put in will need the involvement of an environmental engineer. We have also gathered preliminary estimates for installing power, water, and gas to the existing and proposed buildings as well as estimates for constructing the new buildings.
The rebuild of camp will need to take place over a couple of summers, and we are hopeful that we can begin this spring. Parks Canada has indicated that we will not be able to host camps until the work is done at Crandell Campground and that they do not have a timeline for its completion. Their funding has diminished so they are in limbo themselves. The CCC board of directors would like to complete camp construction and be ready to open as soon as we are allowed. There are many grant and funding opportunities, but we cannot take advantage of them until our license of occupation is signed. The CCC board is working behind the scenes so that we can hit the ground running!
Our board is enthusiastic and we love camp, but we could use some help. We welcome new board members, but you do not have to join the board to help us out. Thanks to technology, you can attend meetings from wherever you are via Zoom. We are currently seeking volunteers with knowledge and experience in the following areas:
– Environmental engineering, especially wastewater systems
– Lawyer – to look over the new license of occupation when received
– Construction and project management
– Fundraising and grant writing
If you are interested in helping us or you would like more information, please email the board chair, Christina Whittmire, or call 403-328-9944.
We thank you for your continued support, prayers, and love.