Update from Chinook Winds Regional Executive

By Vicki McPhee, Presiding Officer

The Executive of Chinook Winds Region met Friday, January 15th via Zoom. Our agenda was full, and our time together included rich and deep discussions on subjects ranging from budgeting to governance to how we will meet again for a Regional Meeting.

The Executive approved the 2021 budget. As with so many other organizations and households, we had to carefully consider how best to proceed in a year with a significantly reduced income. Our bottom line will require a transfer of funds from unrestricted savings for this 2021 year. The Executive agreed to the creation of a Finance Advisory Council to develop a sustainable 5-Year plan, and to help guide future budgeting. There is currently a call for nominations, so please put your name forward if this is something that might interest you.

The governance structure of Chinook Winds Region follows what is known as Policy Governance (commonly referred to as the Carver model). In order to best operate within this structure, the Executive will receive governance training, via Zoom, from Dan Hotchkiss, author of Governance and Ministry: Rethinking Board Leadership. Dan’s book has great suggestions for governance within ministry settings. I was very impressed with this book and I have recommended that the Chair of our congregation’s Board read it too!

The Executive discussed opportunities for mutual beneficial partnerships with Pacific Mountain Region, with whom we share the leadership of our Executive Minister, Treena Duncan, and our Office of Vocation Minister, Brenda Fawkes. Several possibilities have been lifted up and we look forward to the possibilities that will be offered to both Regions.

In an effort to streamline planning and working with Pacific Mountain Region to share the time of our Executive Minister, the Executive set a perpetual date for our annual Chinook Winds Regional Meeting. Beginning this year, our Region will meet annually on the first full weekend of May. As such, the Executive confirmed that the Regional Meeting will take place, via Zoom, sometime over the dates of May 6-9. Planning is now underway for the Meeting and we will have more detailed information and times in the coming weeks.