Doing our Part to Flatten the Curve

A message from Executive Minister Treena Duncan


Today, Chinook Winds Region has enjoyed the sun again with beautiful blue skies after the howling winter winds and snow over the weekend. The seasons have changed, and our gaze falls towards Christmas and what we must do to be ready to engage the season of Advent. 2020 has been a challenging year, and we all long for things to ‘return to normal.’  And we wonder how we can have Christmas under these circumstances; it will look so different from what we are used to. 

But we are a strong and resilient people, and we will do what we need to do to keep each other safe and while different, our celebrations will honour the one whom we all follow, and whose everlasting love will guide us in all that we do. 

With that strength and resilience, I am aware that we have the capacity, now, to do what we can to flatten the curve. The number of Coronavirus cases is rising steadily in Alberta and we are called to do our part. 

 As a Region, we continue to recommend that we do not gather for in-person worship, but if you do choose to gather, follow the guidelines in stage 2 of our regional pandemic plan. At this time, if you have not opened for in-person worship, we ask that you do not open now, in this time of rising numbers.  If you are open and wish to continue, please double check your protocols ensuring that there is appropriate physical distancing, cleaning, no more than 50 people in your space, and that you are keeping a record of attendance for contract tracing purposes. We also recommend that there be no congregational singing and that the presider and soloists be a minimum of 3 metres away from the Congregation. Because much of the current transmission is happening through social gatherings, it is also important to note that there should be no congregating in groups before or after the service, inside or outside of your building.  Please do not hesitate to contact me, or any of the Regional staff, if you have any questions or concerns. May you be sustained by the knowledge that amid it all, you are never alone.



Treena Duncan,
Executive Minister, Chinook Winds Region
The United Church of Canada