Jane Harding
By Jane Harding, Stewardship & Gifts Officer,
Summer Stewardship & Gifts Communication for Communities of Faith
- New Fall Quick Start Called to be the Church video
- New Generosity video here
- E-learning opportunities here
- E-Newsletters here
- The Way We Think about Charity is Dead Wrong – Dan Pallotta – 19 minutes but well worth it
- E-ssentials June 4
- Final Report on Mission and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG)
- BELOW please find some great information…
Mission & Service:
- How to Increase Mission & Service Giving in 2019?
How about planning a Mission & Service Worship Service this summer? For congregations without a minister, or for those who are looking for resources to lead worship while the minister is on vacation, we have complete worship services available for download and use. See here. You can order free Mission & Service Envelopes from UCRD
- The 2018 Mission & Service Numbers are finally in!! JUST RELEASED!
This report offers a detailed picture of our overall giving as a denomination in 2018. Mission & Service: Review of 2018 Giving
- Mission & Service At A Glance 2019: This item, our “Narrative Budget,” brings alive the ministries supported by our Mission & Service gifts. This is a great resource to show how together as the United Church of Canada we make an incredible difference in the lives of many people – near and far- in Jesus’ name! See here: M&S At a Glance. (Paper Copies can be ordered through me or through UCRD).
Congregational Giving: Called to be the Church: Loving Our Neighbours
- Called to be the Church 2019. We continue the theme “Loving Our Neighbours”. All NEW worship materials for use during 5 weeks of Lent. Liturgies wrote by our new Moderator, The Rt. Rev. Richard Bott!! Sermons feature spiritual practices relating to generosity. You should have your paper copy now. Electronic copies are available for online from the Stewardship Toolkit
- Those who have used Called to be the Church program resources … would you please complete our short survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LovingOurNeighboursSurvey
- Brand new Worship Material: (2019 Online Extras) are just uploaded on the Stewardship Toolkit site. Resources include worship, sermon, and Sunday School are designed for:
- All in One Gratitude Sunday
- Any Three Weeks
- 20 Days to Thanksgiving (designed for the weeks between Labour Day and Thanksgiving)
- The Season of Gratitude (designed for the weeks after Thanksgiving)
Planned Legacy Giving:
- While at present over 90% of all planned gifts are bequests, there are a number of other ways to leave a lasting legacy. Each gift option is unique and offers many benefits to both the church and the giver. Here is a good resource which highlights some of the gift options: Gifts that Last Lifetimes.
Want a good book to read over the summer?
- I would recommend an inspiring and practical book by Rev. Molly Phinney Baskette, called, “Real Good Church”. It has a great section on Stewardship and some great doable ideas around turning around a church in decline. Leona Laundry would be happy to take your order. You can e-mail her at LLaundry@united-church.ca
How about a Great article?
Here is a piece worth reading, and perhaps discussing at the next Board or Council Meeting:
5 Habits You Must Unlearn to Increase Giving.
Stewardship Webinars
- Our Webinars for Treasurers are going over really well … and not just with Treasurers! The information is timely, relevant and very helpful, particularly in this time of transition. Sign up for upcoming webinars, or view recorded webinars. See recorded webinars, like the one above, here.
Don’t forget me!!!
If you are looking for encouragement, new ways to think about stewardship, resources, help to implement Congregational Giving, Mission & Service, Planned Legacy Giving, United Church Foundation and investing opportunities for your congregation, please don’t hesitate to be in touch.
Jane Harding, Stewardship & Gifts Officer, Pacific Mountain & Chinook Winds Regions jharding@united-chgurch.ca Call/text 604-761-1677