A Place At the Table - feasting at the theological banquet. Chinooks Winds Regional Council, The United Church of Canada. May 5-8, 2022

Thus says the Lord: Stand at the crossroads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. — Jeremiah 6:16a

As we move into a post-pandemic era, we can likely all agree that our world and churches have gone through turbulent and jarring times these past years. Reliable guideposts of the past seem to have been swept away. Yet the Prophet Jeremiah’s words assure us that the good way is at the crossroads.

We met at the Crossroads in Medicine Hat, AB

May 4-7, 2023 - Fifth Avenue United Church

Meeting Recordings are  HERE

The Chinook Winds Regional Council met at Fifth Avenue Memorial United Church from May 4-7, 2023.  Theme Speaker Rev. Cameron Trimble of Convergence delved into this crossroads time with presentations such as The Problem with Planning, The Art of Being Lost and Navigating Change. The meeting began mid-afternoon on Thursday, May 4 and wrapped up with the Celebration of Ministry Worship on Sunday, May 7, 2023. Registrants participated in-person or online. We also celebrated officially becoming an Affirming Region.

At the Crossroads Theme with Cameron Trimble
        Links to recordings of theme presentations and presentation slides are below:
Opening Worship Sermon - May 4, 2023. Starts at hour 1:34
The Problem with Planning our Future - May 4, 2023. Starts at hour 4:06
The Art of Being Lost - May 5, 2023. Starts at hour 2:22.
How to Navigate Change - May 6, 2023. Starts at Minute 7:48


Theme Speaker: Cameron Trimble

Cameron Trimble, pilot, author and faith leader, was the theme speaker at the Chinook Winds Regional Meeting that will be May 4-7, 2023 at Fifth Avenue Memorial United Church in Medicine Hat.

Cameron is the CEO of Convergence, a not-for-profit made up of subsidiary companies and organizations focused on organizational transformation. She is also the author of Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight, Searching for the Sacred and the Beginner’s Bible Study Guide.

Read more about Cameron.


Guest Preacher for Celebration of Ministry Worship

Rev. Dr. Japhet Ndhlovu, Executive Minister for the United Church’s Mission Unit will be the guest preacher for the Chinook Winds Region’s Celebration of Ministry worship on May 7, 2023 at 10 am. Born in Zambia and educated in Zambia, Ireland and South Africa, Rev. Dr. Japhet Ndhlovu now resides in Toronto.

Read more about Japhet HERE.


Children & Youth @ Regional Council

Children, ages 8-11, and youth, ages 12-16, are invited to participate in programs that will happen concurrently at the Chinook Winds Annual General Meeting, May 4-7, 2023 in Medicine Hat.

Program & Registration Details:

  • the Children and Youth Programs will run at the same time as the annual general meeting.  There will be two programs, one for children and one for youth. It’s an opportunity for children and youth to meet others from across Central and Southern Alberta and participate in fun, faith-filled programming.
  • These are not overnight programs. Children and youth attending this event must stay with their parents or another adult from their home community of faith who will act as their sponsor for the weekend.
  • Parents or sponsors are responsible for ensuring the safety of the children and youth when the meeting is not in session, that the children/youth have breakfast and are ready for the day programs, and provide accommodation and travel with the children/youth to and from Medicine Hat.
  • To participate, children and youth must register at First Third Ministry's Event Registration. You will first need to set up an account and then you register for the Chinook Winds AGM - Children and Youth Program and fill out the relevant forms i.e. medical. If a sponsor will be attending with the child/youth, that sponsor will also need to be registered.

Meeting & Sunday’s Celebration of Ministry Worship Live-Streaming

You’ll find the live-streaming of the Regional Gathering during the meeting in this location as well as on the Chinook Winds YouTube Channel.

Congregations throughout Central and Southern Alberta are also invited to join in worship with us on Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 10 am through the live-streaming.

Chinook Winds' YouTube Channel



Photos from the 2023 Regional Gathering will be highlighted. Watch this space!