100th Anniversary Plans Underway

Several Chinook Winds congregations are planning special projects for the United Church’s 100th anniversary. Please send Shelley Den Haan, stories about your projects and we’ll publish them in the newsletter.     These June celebrations are being planned: • Sunday, June 8, 2025, at Knox …

Right Relations Circle to be February 26, 2025

You are invited to join Chinook Winds Indigenous Minister Tony Snow and others for the monthly Right Relations Circle. We gather for conversation, connection, and friendship as we learn how to live out the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to …

Recording Available: Our Advent Worship Town Hall

Recording available from our December Advent Town Hall. See recording below! You are warmly invited to a time of online worship and reflection, as we make our Advent journey.  Come join from wherever you are, for some beautiful music, heartfelt …

Airdrie United: A Church on the Move

By Lori Helston, Airdrie Board Chair Airdrie United Church has been a part of Airdrie, AB, for more than 100 years. We plan to serve this area for another century or more.However, our current building is no longer sustainable to …

Construction Update from Camp Canyon

By Karen Larter, Fundraising Chair, Canyon Church Camp As winter approaches, the construction at Canyon Church Camp is wrapping up until spring after getting underway mid-August. The camp looks quite different since we gathered on-site for our 80th Anniversary and …