By Chris Whittaker, regional representative
Ken stood up in church after the rest of the announcements had been made and said “We have the monthly Community Supper in 10 days. Let’s get together after you’ve got your coffee.”
In the fullness of time, I had the required measure of caffeine and joined Ken and some others in the side room. “Right,” said Ken, “What about a menu? What did we do last month?”
Karin responded: “We’ve had spaghetti, stew, Don’s fantastic beef bourguignon and meatloaf – how about lasagna? I can make a lasagna.”
“I can do one as well,” I replied. “We need one more,” said Ken and shot out of the door into the hall full of chattering coffee drinkers. He returned in 47 seconds with a smile on his face. “Lyn will do one,” he said, “and Ruth will do a gluten-free one!”
“What will go with it – I can bring Caesar salad,” said Ken. Bob said he could also bring a salad and some banana bread. Karin said she would bring her usual dessert. Bob said, “Good!” Then Norma joined the group and said she would bring dessert as well, so we were DONE!
Fast forward 10 days. I had made my lasagna, but it needed to be baked, so I was at the church by 4 pm. That was still not early enough to beat Ken who was putting out placemats, napkins and cutlery. I put my lasagna on to bake and got the coffee ready. By 5 pm the rest of the food had arrived, the dessert table looked mouthwatering, the coffee was perking, and the lemonade was ready.
By 5:30 pm, the designated start time, there was a respectable crowd of both church members and community members present. After a blessing, a convivial evening of good food, company and conversation was enjoyed by all.
For those who are interested in such things, there is no charge for this meal, nor does the church reimburse those who supply the food. There is, however, a box on a table, not near the food, for those folk who are happier making a donation. That money is used to support other community outreach projects which may be local, regional or international.
I wonder what next month’s menu will be.