Please join in our celebration of becoming an Affirming Region on May 5, 2023, at 6:30 pm — Either in-person at Fifth Avenue Memorial United Church in Medicine Hat during our Regional Gathering or online on the Chinook Winds YouTube Channel.

At a moment when drag performers and trans folks are frequent recipients of harassment and abuse—often from those who would use religion as a screen for bigotry—many Affirming faith communities are looking for ways to express their support and solidarity for their queer friends and neighbours, and to demonstrate that love is louder than hate.
At Lashes, ‘Staches and Haberdashery, we’re putting on our fancy hats in the ‘Hat to show that drag can be a form of advocacy, and advocacy doesn’t have to be a drag! We invite you to show up in your gender-bending Sunday best. If you don’t have anything sufficiently fabulous in your closet already, not to worry—we’ll provide some clothing items, makeup and props to help you accessorize!
We’ll be celebrating the Region’s nearly unanimous vote to become an Affirming Region, and showing our true colours with great speakers, a live DJ, and of course, some Public, Intentional and Explicit (and delicious!) dessert from a local Affirming bakery. We’ll also be screening a clip from Affirming Connections’ new video that busts prevalent myths circulating around drag and provides faith communities with strategies for pushing back against those myths.
Join us for a celebration of joyful allyship and defiant love that’ll make you want to tip your hat!
– From the Affirming Celebration Planning Team