Celebrate Camping Sunday with these amazing videos & worship resources

First Third Ministry in collaboration with the Chinook Winds Region’s four camps invites you to celebrate Camping Sunday on April 23, 2023.

    Below you will find worship resources and videos for an entire worship service.

    Each summer, hundreds of children and youth attend the United Church Camps in Central and Southern Alberta. They come together to be in relationship in community, with Creation, and with Creator God at their camp.

The four main camps in the Chinook Winds Region are:

Camping Sunday Worship Resources 2023

                     – Bar Harbour Camp,
                     – Camp Kasota West,
                     – Canyon Church Camp (rebuilding plans), and
                     – Kasota East Camp.
              (For individual camp videos, we suggest using one or more
              in your service (or use one a week) Also, share
              on your website/social media to help promote our camps.
              Make sure to link the Camp’s website for registration.)

It is possible to get downloadable versions of the videos. Please email Shelley Den Haan, Communications.

       If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Chris Mah Poy, Chinook Winds First Third Animator or to one of the camps through their contact info below.