For the first time since 2019, the Chinook Winds and Northern Spirit Regions United Church Women’s Conference and Annual Meeting will take place in person on April 27-29, 2023 at the FCJ Christian Life Centre in Calgary.
The theme is We are One: A look at Bias and Racism.
Please check out/Download the details and registration form:
• Conference Details HERE
• Registration Form HERE
Conference Speakers:
Adele Halliday is an experienced anti-racism educator, workshop leader, and award-winning writer. Adele has been involved in anti-racism work with churches in Canada and beyond for many years. She holds a Master of Education as well as a Master of Theological Studies and is currently studying towards a Doctor of Education. Adele lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. More on Adele
Lorna Berlingette has been an enthusiastic United Church supporter all her life, attending Robertson-Wesley United Church in Edmonton since she was four. She taught English for 39 years, at Alberta College and NorQuest College, where she was also department head. For over 45 years she has belonged to DKG, an international women educator’s society, for which she is presently Area Representative for Canada.
Cheryle Greyeyes is a proud member of Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, Treaty 6, Saskatchewan and a vital member of the University of Calgary community.
Carolle Dallas-Arbuckle is National UCW Treasurer has been involved at all levels of UCW including president of the former Montreal and Ottawa Conference.