First Third Ministry is so excited to announce that applications for Chinook Winds and Pacific Mountain Youth Councils are open!
We are inviting youth 14-17 to apply to our regional youth councils. We’re seeking six youth per region, 12 total, for this unique leadership opportunity. Youth Council members will represent youth from across our regions, reflecting the diverse experiences and needs of young people from different communities of faith.
Members will support the engagement of youth in the life, work, and ministry of the Church beyond their home Communities of Faith, with opportunities to travel for leadership retreats, advocate for the spiritual and justice needs of young people, and take active leadership roles in the governance of Pacific Mountain and Chinook Winds regions.
We hope that you have youth in your congregations interested in a wider experience of The United Church of Canada, and eager to participate in the leadership and governance of our regions. However, no previous UCC experience is required to participate. If you have a youth in your youth ministry or in the wider community who you know has leadership potential, with a passion for justice and a desire for connection with other young folks from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, have them apply today!
Want to learn more? Check out the First Third Ministry website, or ask Chris at