Indigenous Ally Toolkit Available for free download

Chinook Winds Indigenous Allyship Toolkit

Thanks to the efforts of many volunteers and others working with Indigenous Minister Rev. Tony Snow, Chinook Winds Region now has an Indigenous Ally Toolkit called Journey Towards Indigenous Allyship Toolkit, a resource for your use and study.

As its preface states: “The toolkit was created by Chinook Region Members of The United Church of Canada, located in Southern and Central Alberta (predominantly Treaty 7), to address information needs, an expression of our journey and the work of the Indigenous church in
its ongoing work to build better relations. We bring together and share trusted resources and information to move our church and congregations forward in our work to build right relations with
Indigenous peoples. It aligns with the TRC Call to Action #59, which states: ‘We call upon church parties to the Settlement Agreement to develop ongoing education strategies to ensure that their respective congregations learn about their church’s role in colonization, the history and legacy of residential schools, and why apologies to former residential school students, their families, and communities were necessary’.”

Thank you to all those involved in compiling the Toolkit including Sharon Woodhouse, Teresa Boughen and Alyssa Lindsay,(chair), Hillhurst United Church Right Relations (see photo above). Others also involved were Margaret McQuiston; Mary Shearer, Ralph Connor Memorial, Canmore; JJ Soriano, Southwood United; Dieulita Datus; Strathie Tompkins; Sarah Elliot (Hillhurst Communications); Winona Lafreniere; Geraldine Ysselstein; Elaine Gray; Pam Ehlert, Chris Mah Poy as well as many others, several of whom participated in education events using the draft toolkit.

Ultimately, the hope is that through reading the resources, individuals and communities of faith will choose to be involved in community actions of reconciliation. We look forward to hearing about your acts of reconciliation!

The first edition of the Ally Toolkit was released in late September 2022 in time for Truth and Reconciliation Day.

The Ally Toolkit was created in a format that it can continue to be updated as new resources and needs arise.

Download Journey Towards Indigenous Allyship Toolkit

Send Feedback and Your Reconciliation Acts Stories to Chinook Winds Region.