By Joel Den Haan, Community of Faith Strategy Consultant

During the 2022 season, even in the face of ongoing pandemic uncertainties, The United Church of Canada provided important funding assistance for a wide range of programming, ministry, and learning initiatives in Chinook Winds Region. With thankfulness for the work and commitment of our dedicated partners in mission here in the Region, we are now inviting proposals for program support in 2023.
We are pleased to share with you the 2023 Program Funding Proposal document that is once again the official tool by which funds to support ministry, learning, and outreach in our Region can be requested. This Proposal document continues to draw from proven resources used within our United Church community since 2019.
You can access the Program Funding Proposal Jotform here:, as well as online through the Chinook Winds Region Form Page.
Please complete all aspects of the Program Funding Proposal document for which you can offer information, including required financial data. You can also once again upload relevant background data to help us understand what you have in mind.
If you have questions about the process, please contact Joel Den Haan.
2023 Proposals will be received by Chinook Winds Region no later than 4:30 PM MT on Friday 28 October 2022.
We thank you in advance for your willingness to participate with us in building the work of Good News here in our Region, and we look forward to sharing more later this Fall about the programs and initiatives people of faith are undertaking all around.