We’re introducing a new project to empower us all to get to know the Communities of Faith and Ministries around Chinook Winds Region.
Chinook Winds Region’s newsletters readers have shown that they want to hear about their United Church neighbours and ministries. Time and time again, the most frequently-read stories are ones where Communities of Faith and Ministries tell their own stories. We are connected to each other as Christ’s body, each uniquely ministering to your community’s specific context.
We want to make it easy, simple and fun for local church leaders to tell the stories of their community of faith. Check out the simple format below. Copy the format into an email, write in your responses to the prompts and send it to me, Shelley Den Haan.
Your story will be shared in a newsletter separate from the regular weekly one and on the Chinook Winds website — in posts on the front page and on our new Community Ministry Stories page.
Have fun with this! We hope this will be an enjoyable project for you to do. We know people will delight in reading your stories.
It may be tempting to push this little project off to the side of your desk. Please refrain from doing that! Your community of faith continues to make Christ’s light shine and has a story to tell!
This invitation is going out to ministry leaders. If you’re a church member and want to help, please connect with your minister to do it as a team.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Shelley Den Haan,
Communications and Cluster Support
Featuring Your Community of Faith (copy this into an email)
The Specifics…
- Community of Faith’s or Ministry’s name:
- Website address, if you have one:
- Minister(s) Name(s):
- Person who is submitting the feature, if it’s not the minister
A Few Pics to Enliven Your Post:
Grab your phone or tablet and take a few quick pictures – don’t worry about how ‘good’ they are. Just aim for them being in focus, and you having fun taking them. Please note these photos will be shared online and in newsletters.
- Photo(s) of the Minister(s) – selfies are great! (note: they will be shared online and in newsletters)
- Photos of Ministry Participants i.e. even during COVID19, there are likely faithful souls in and out of the church building. Nab a few photos. Closer up photos of 2-4 people work very well!
- Photo of your church – get a fresh one! Take a quick photo of this important landmark, just like you do when you see cool things while on holiday.
Complete The Sentence…
- In our town/ neighbourhood, our church is known for…
- Our Mission & Vision statement is ….
- Here are some ways we live out our Mission and Vision…
- Another community of faith or community agency partner who we connect with (informally or formally) sharing time and resources, events, and spiritual care is…
- Some things that we really like and cherish about ourselves as a community of faith are…
- Some challenges our community faces, and we welcome prayers of support for are….
and Bonus Sentences
- The hymns or songs that our community of faith tends to return to again and again are…
- The (usual) benediction that sends us out at the close of Sunday worship is…
- One of the natural features (mountain, hill, body of water, etc) in God’s creation that’s near to where we gather is…
If you have any questions, please feel free to be in contact! Email Shelley