By Chris Mah Poy

Although it’s been a difficult start to 2022, there is something rejuvenating about shedding the old year and welcoming the new.
On February 1st 2022 we enter the third cycle of the Chinese Zodiac, saying farewell to the year of the Ox and welcomingĀ the year of the Tiger. In the story of The Great Race, Tiger arrived third before the Jade Emperor. Panting, Tiger explained that the river’s strong currents and difficult rapids kept pushing Tiger further downstream. But Tiger was competitiveĀ and determined and with strength and resilience, Tiger persevered, crossing the river, and becoming the third animal in the cycle.Ā
Friends, you can do it. We can do it. While the riptides of uncertainty in our lives might make it seem like we’re floundering, we have the collective strength to persevere. Think of all we’ve accomplished together during the last two years, and the resilience our communities have shown to ever-changing circumstances. The current might be strong, but we can make it to the other side.
If you’re looking for a storytime book on the legend of the Chinese Zodiac, check out The Great Race by David Bouchard at your local library or bookstore.
Happy New Year – ęåē¼č²”
Chris Mah Poy is First Third Ministry Coordinator, Justice & Networks Support for Chinook Winds Regional Council.