A Chinook Winds and Pacific Mountain Regions’ Partnership

Greetings from the First Third Ministry Team! We were so excited to announce this new inter-regional partnership at the Chinook Winds Regional Gathering, May 7-9, 2021, and while we wish we could have connected in person, we’re grateful for the technology that allowed us to gather safely.
For those of your who were not able to join us, Chinook Winds and Pacific Mountain Regional Councils are excited to announce a new First Third Ministry Partnership that seeks to imagine, connect and equip children, youth and young adult ministry (First Third of Life) in Southern Alberta, BC and the Yukon, so that all may know the Way of Jesus Christ and the Love of God. Pamela Evans, Mary Nichol and Chris Mah Poy presented at the Chinook Winds Regional Gathering.
Chris Mah Poy will be stepping into a new role as First Third Coordinator for Chinook Winds Region and can continue to be contacted at the same email address. The First Third Ministry Partnership and new regional position are made possible by Chinook Winds and the legacy of St. Matthew’s United Church in Calgary. We’re so grateful for St. Matthew’s support of children, youth and young adult ministry.
We’re looking forward to establishing relationships with those in children, youth and young adult ministry, those who support them, and most importantly our regional youth! There are a number of events in the planning phase and there will be more announcements about programs, training and resources as we move into the spring.
We want to hear from folks who have a passion for First Third Ministry, and we hope you’ll visit our Online Info Booth below. Please take the time to tell us about yourselves and your ministry! Visit Online Info Booth
Many of you have ordered the Faith-at-Home Pentecost Kits and there are still a few available if your ministry team is interested. Available HERE
Thank you all for your support!
Sincerely, The First Third Ministry Team.
BELOW Is the First Third Ministry Team: