Irricana United celebrates 100 years

By Nadine Bexte

A special celebration of the 100th anniversary of the country church building near Irricana, AB, took place in June. It was a wonderful step back in time celebrating the rich Church of the Brethren history for the first 50 years and now the United Church for the last 50 years. The day began with a re-enactment of the buggies arriving at church followed by a church service lead by a third-generation lay minister Brian Culp and filled with worship, reminiscing and many historical facts. Minister Ruth McArthur, shared a short, poignant message, as well. An outdoor lunch was served and throughout the afternoon, they had the unveiling of the centennial plaque, a musical concert, a campfire complete with hot dogs and campfire songs, homemade ice cream, and many displays. Fresh cut roses were available for anyone who wanted to leave them at the gravesites. Such a wonderful celebration! Congratulations to the planning committee for a job well done!