Training Sessions for Regional Council Liaison (also called Pastoral Relations Liaison)

March 1, 2019 Update:  Part two of Regional Council/Pastoral Relations Liaison training will now be offered as a webinar on March 5 at 10 am. Don’t worry if you haven’t attended Part One, you can catch up. This second training session was previously promoted as occurring in Olds, High River and Lethbridge but now will take place online.
Wondering what a Regional Council/Pastoral Relations Liaison is? It’s a role similar to former Presbytery representatives who would help congregations through the former Joint Needs Assessment Process. You would be helping Communities of Faith to write their profiles to share on ChurchHub, as well as support their search process.

      Deb Kigar is signing in from the Denominational Council to lead a hands-on workshop on ChurchHub.
  If you have questions or would like to sign in and need the link, please email Lee Spice, Pastoral Relations Minister, Email Lee