Update from Chinook Winds Region

Greetings from the Chinook Winds Regional Council Commission

The Commission met via Conference Call on November 6, 2018. Our progress has now taken us to the place where we need to have more detailed, hard and strong conversations that will be better served by being Face-to-Face. We will be meeting together in Calgary on November 29 & 30th to make some decisions on items such as budget, office location, policies etc. We ask for your prayers as we take our time to do this work for our church community with deliberate faith and integrity.


We are getting closer to offering you a budget that we feel will support the work that you are asking us to do in our new Region. We know that you are working on your own upcoming 2019 budgets and are anxiously waiting for us to share. We will do so soon. Thank you for your patience as plans continue to progress.

Regional General Meeting, June 7-8, 2019

The good folk of Lethbridge are diligently working on the initial planning for our first General Meeting. They have various teams that are already putting our two days together for us.

Mission Support Grants.

A sub-committee of the Council met on October 23rd to consider the requests received for the 2019 Mission and Support Grant Requests. We are pleased that we have been able to meet the full requests of almost all applicants. Applicants have already been informally informed of our decisions by Commission members and by email from Doug Goodwin our Executive Minister.


We have received applications for the position of Pastoral Relations Minister and interviews are in process. We may have some good news for you very soon! We are looking at options for Congregational Support and Connections which would include such mundane and important items as Property; Congregational starts, disbanding and amalgamation; identification and empowerment of Resources and Networks within our community. Once an office location is chosen, we will also be looking for an Office Administrator.

Regional Office.

We have received an offer of a location for our Regional Office. We will hope to make our decision soon… so if you have something we should also be considered, please send us details ASAP!

Indigenous Church.

We are so grateful that we have Russell Burns and Darrel Beaver as our connections to the Indigenous Church Communities. There will be an Indigenous Gathering on November 30 and December 2nd in Calgary. Doug Goodwin and Sue Brodrick will be attending on behalf of our Region.

We know that this is important work that we do on your behalf and we take this responsibility very seriously. Please continue to offer us your opinions, prayers and support.


Rev. Helen Reed

Chair of Chinook Winds Regional CouncilCommission. 403-664-9266 helen.reed9266@gmail.com